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Thursday, June 03, 2004

Tenet Steps Down

Just saw this on CNN (what a week to be as disconnected as I am), and am trying to get my head around this latest development.

We've been seeing some pretty open warfare within the government lately, between, it seems, CIA and State against Defense and the White House. That being said, I can't figure out if this is a chess-move on Tenet's part as a continuation of this battle, or if he has instead become a casualty of this warfare. I'm thinking the former, but with all of the infighting over Chalabi and the Iranian Connection, this could be blowback of a sort.

The CIA, in Chalabi's own opinion at least, has been behind the allegations that have led to Ahmed's fall from Washington grace. We know that Perle and his crew have been fighting the allegations against their man in Iraq with teeth fully bared, and they are nothing if not influential. So there's a case to be made that the CIA/State driven campaign against the Neocon choice to rule Iraq (Chalabi, of course) has now ended in tenet being asked to step down (all the rodents are running everywhere now, talking up the fact that Tenet himself has hinted at leaving the CIA for the private sector).

But when you add to this Bush's (at least in my perception) state of shock or, at the very least, intense discomfort in his announcing Tenet's resignation on the lawn, I'm inclined to think this is a proactive move on the part of Tenet (and perhaps others) to take the infighting outside, as it were, and to speak unbound by his position.

More as it develops, and as I'm able to connect and carve time to analyze the situation....

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