Seeing as how we'll likely get a lot more information during depositions in the Lay case regarding the connections between the former Enron CEO and his friend, George W. Bush, I thought it prudent to direct y'all to the documents posted over at The Smoking Gun. In their words:
The letters, released by the Texas state archives in response to Freedom of Information requests, touch on personal matters like Bush's knee surgery, Christmas gifts, birthday greetings, and even a Lay heads-up regarding a Thomas Friedman story about globalization. Enron, in case anyone forgot, was Bush's biggest Lone Star political contributor.
I'd like to ask the American media, when given the official cock and bull about how distant the relationship between the two had actually been, to perhaps reference these letters, and the warm, convivial and jovial, friendly relationship implied by both their frequency and content.

*click for larger image
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