...this blog kills fascists...

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Gore Vidal. Bravo.

“Benjamin Franklin was shown the new American constitution, and he said, ‘I don’t like it, but I will vote for it because we need something right now. But this constitution in time will fail, as all such efforts do. And it will fail because of the corruption of the people, in a general sense.’ And that is what it has come to now, exactly as Franklin predicted.”[...]

[...]“We have been deprived of our franchise,” he says. “The election was stolen in both 2000 and 2004, because of electronic voting machinery which can be easily fixed. We’ve had two illegitimate elections in a row ...

“Little Bush says we are at war, but we are not at war because to be at war Congress has to vote for it. He says we are at war on terror, but that is a metaphor, though I doubt if he knows what that means. It’s like having a war on dandruff, it’s endless and pointless. We are in a dictatorship that has been totally mili-tarised, everyone is spied on by the government itself. All three arms of the government are in the hands of this junta.

“Whatever you are,” he goes on, “they say you are the reverse. The men behind the war in Iraq are cowards who did not fight in Vietnam – but they spent millions of dollars proving that John Kerry, who was a genuine war hero whatever you think of his politics, was a coward.

“This is what happens when you have control of the media, and I have never known the media more vicious, stupid and corrupt than they are now.”

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