Literally. Christopher Allbritton's in Najaf and posting. Go read. A taste:
I don’t know what the news is from the rest of Iraq or even what’s going on with the governor of Najaf. I do know what’s happening with the police department, however. They’re raiding the Sea of Najaf hotel and rounding the 100 or so journalists at gunpoint and subjecting them to mass arrest.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
We started out to the shrine again today, using a different route. The front is constantly shifting and the fighting is very fierce between the Mahdi, the Americans and the New Iraqi Army. Several times my group — which included reporters and photographers from the New York Times, the Observer and CNN — had to turn back because of tanks and Bradleys firing on Mahdi positions. It seemed a little presumptuous to ask them to stop firing so a gaggle of journalists could cross the street...
I should say, too, that this is actually the second of two great Najaf posts by Christopher. Yesterday he was inside the Imam Ali Shrine. That's more than worth the read as well.
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