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Sunday, August 22, 2004

Damn That's Bold

Please forgive me from veering away from the ever more depressing, even frightening state of affairs in terms of the war in Iraq, the possibility of its spreading, the worthless waste of lives on all sides. That said, as I've often found myself lately, assuming the stance of its subject, let me pass on this bold and breaking news regarding Edvard Munch's masterpiece "The Scream." Via Agence France Presse:

A version of Edvard Munch's masterpiece "The Scream" and another famous painting by the great Norwegian artist were stolen from an Oslo museum by armed and hooded robbers, police said.

The thieves burst into the Munch Museum, home to dozens of works by the early modernist genius, and made off with the "The Scream" (1893) as well as "Madonna (news - web sites)" (1893-94).

"I can confirm that there was an armed robbery. The criminals threatened an employee with a gun and took the two canvasses," police official Kjell Pedersen said Sunday.

The thieves -- two or three according to varying accounts -- escaped in a dark-coloured vehicle and were being sought by police.

The museum confirmed that an armed robbery had taken place but declined to comment further.

"The Scream" has become an iconic symbol of Expressionist angst, showing an individual on a bridge, hands clasped around the head and mouth wide open in an apparent yell of despair.


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