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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

T'Ain't No Fiddle

This was yesterday.

lil nero

This, while New Orleans was slowly drowning into both water and desperate violent chaos. Martial law and prison riots and, as New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin now says, hundreds if not thousands of New Orleans residents have already drowned. The city has plunged into utter anarchy. Biloxi and Gulfport are both, for all intents and purposes, gone. Obliterated. Ripped off the map.

This is to say nothing of literally hundreds of thousands of displaced Southerners, wandering the South and regions elsewhere, shellshocked nomads with no homes, no jobs, no discernible future. Or to mention the unknown fate of many thousands more in smaller towns on the coast and inland as well. When all is said and done I fear the horrible numbers people are offering today will turn out to have been naively optimistic. This is a catastrophic disaster of Biblical proportions, and the President, as always in the true hours of our nation's need, is AWOL.

Yesterday, while the southland was destroyed, he strummed, smirking, at his photo op, no more cognizant of the true state of affairs than he was sitting in that classroom in Florida reading My Pet Goat on September 11th, 2001. Enough of him already. Can someone please hand over the keys to a real leader? Or at least a competent adult?

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